Our Father’s Eyes

In Our Father’s Eyes

The life of tender mercy and service were bright.

Anchored deep in the gaze of a hero his power, sight.

A chameleon with a practical gaze that inspired immediate friendship,

In those that were willing to listen, teach or simply stand and lift.

His education cut short, which was a challenge seen sometimes through his gaze,

But a master in life helping kids and family with support through their maze.

Sometimes his vision of gentle proudness was interrupted by strife,

Being stern at times trying to guide his children to a better life.

He had a few painful demons as seen when his gaze was lost,

But by the grace of god his tough soul and his will kept his toil for his kids at any cost.

A survivor, farm girl, Tin Man, and an athlete was his stewardship and lot given,

As his legs never stopped churning striving to be a better patriarch returning with honor to heaven.

There were so many helped through his watchful vision as his tender heart would teach his way,

Echoing through the years of love and service never expecting to be indebted only ever asking are you ok.

Towards the end, being pulled from the playing field with humility and pure love uncompromised,

The Survivor, The Farm Girl, The Tin Man, and the athlete whisper Thanks dad looking into Our Fathers Eyes.

Tin Man